Course Grades: View Grades, Feedback, Categories and what they are worth, and Overall Course Total

  1. Click on the Grades tab at the top of the course
  2. The Course Total is the current average for all graded assignments and does not yet include assignments that have not been completed or have not yet been graded
  3. Assignments not completed by the due date may result in receiving a zero which will factor into the course total

Forums: Access grading criteria, feedback, and rubric scoring

  1. Click on the forum
  2. Scroll down to the "View Grades" button
  3. You will see the scoring rubric
  4. Once graded, the same process will show the completed rubric and any instructor feedback comments

Assignments: Access instructor feedback and rubric scoring

  1. Click on the assignment
  2. Scroll down below the instructions
  3. You will see the rubric
  4. Once graded, the same process will show the completed rubric, any instructor comments, your original submission, and the instructor marked-up submission if available

Overall Grades Summary

  1. Click on your Moodle Profile picture in the upper right corner
  2. Click Grades
  3. You will see your list of open courses and the current grade average for each
  4. Average will include all graded assignments and does not yet include assignments that have not been completed or have not yet been graded
  5. Assignments not completed by the due date may result in receiving a zero which will factor into the course total as they are entered by the instructor

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Last modified: Monday, September 30, 2024, 9:11 AM